Incubated by IntuitiveX
A revolutionary platform for tackling amyloid diseases: Early diagnostics, disease-modifying therapeutics, and anti-biofilm treatments
The problem
Amyloid diseases affect over a billion people worldwide and are reaching epidemic levels as lifespans increase. There are over 50 known human amyloid diseases involving different proteins and peptides. Amyloid diseases are due to protein misfolding — normal proteins change structure and ultimately form amyloid fibrils and plaques. Amyloid is also associated with multidrug-resistant bacterial infections and medical implants.
Our solution
AltPep discovered α-sheet, a new, nonstandard protein structure, associated with toxicity in computer simulations of amyloid proteins and then designed de novo nontoxic α-sheet peptides to be complementary to the α-sheet structure in toxic species. Outcome: Proprietary platform targeting toxic species for both early diagnostics and disease-modifying therapeutics.
AltPep’s patented technology provides a groundbreaking platform for targeting amyloid diseases and improving human health.
Initial AltPep targets:
  • Anti-biofilm therapies and coatings
  • Early diagnostic for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
  • Disease-modifying therapeutics for Alzheimer's Disease
The team
Founder: Valerie Daggett, PhD
  • Kurt Becker, JD
  • Patrik Edenholm, MA, MPA, JD
  • Charles Horne, MBA, CPA